Image 10 of 11 in the category 'stork'

Image in Basket: basket

Description: Nederland, 10 nov 2006.
Stork monteur aan het werk.
Trefwoorden: Metaalindustrie, Monteurs, Portretten.
COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts.

Keywords: Arbeid, Economie, hedge funds, Industrie, Metaalindustrie, Monteurs, Onderhoud, people, Portretten, Productie, Reparatie, Repareren, Split up, Splitsing, Techniek, Technologie

Copyright: COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts
Blokland 82 - 3417 MR Montfoort
0653-309747 0348-472818

Byline: Pennarts, Chris

Software: ND EDIT Image Bank

Name: 3100790008.jpg

File Size: 1.2 MB

Type: image/jpeg

Pixel Size: 1440 x 2160 (3 MP)

Print Size at 300 dpi: 12.2 x 18.3 cm