Image in Basket: basket

Description: Nederland 2012 Rotterdam Botlek Rotterdam, Petroleumhaven, Laurenshaven, Torontohaven.
COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts Blokland 82 3417 MR Montfoort The Netherlands+31653309747 info@chrispennarts.nl www.chrispennarts.nl

Keywords: chemische industrie, economie, economy, harbor, haven, havenbedrijf, havens, havenstad, kraakinstallaties, logistics, logistiek, olie opslagtank, olieraffinaderijen, olietanks, opslagtanks, petrochemie, pijpleidingen, port, ports, raffinaderijen, rotterdam, scheepsbouw, scheepswerf, scheepswerven, scheepvaart, schepen, shipbuilding, shipping, ships, shipyard, shipyards, vervoer, water

Copyright: COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts Blokland 82 3417 MR Montfoort The Netherlands +31653309747 info@chrispennarts.nl www.chrispennarts.nl

Byline: Chris Pennarts

City: Rotterdam

Country: Nederland

Name: 4203572365.jpg

File Size: 3.9 MB

Type: image/jpeg

Pixel Size: 5760 x 3840 (22 MP)

Print Size at 300 dpi: 48.8 x 32.5 cm